Descriptions of lectures by Srila Sacinandana Swami
Sanga Mela - The Bhakti Tonic 4 - Going into the new year with strength 2021.01.01 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Entering the retreat 1 2021.01.02 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Entering the retreat 2 2021.01.02 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Tune in for the retreat 2021.01.02 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Life lessons from Govardhana Lila 1 2021.01.03 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Life lessons from Govardhana Lila 2 2021.01.04 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Life lessons from Govardhana Lila 3 2021.01.05 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Concluding words and lecture summary 2021.01.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
Online Govardhana Retreat - Questions and Answers 2021.01.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
Live Talk mit Sukadev - League of Yogis - Der Yoga des Heiligen Namens 2021.01.14 Gaura Bhavan DE
Gaura Meditation - Lord Caitanyas meeting with Ramananda Raya 2021.01.15 Vedic Academy EN
Lecture for Russian children and youth - Sudama Vipras friendship with Krishna 2021.01.16 Gaura Bhavan RU
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.01.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Turkish Yatra - When the Lord breaks His own rules 2021.01.24 Gaura Bhavan TR
SB 5.19.24 Above the Clouds 1 2021.01.24 EN
Compassion Tuesday 01 2021.01.26 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Kirtan Inspiration 2 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Kirtan Inspiration 3 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Kirtan Inspiration 4 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Kirtan Inspiration 5 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Kirtan Inspiration 6 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Radhadesh Mellows - Welcome and Kirtan Inspiration 1 2021.01.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Pandava Sena Alumni - How to deal with desires 2021.01.30 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.19.27 Above the Clouds 2 - Transforming desires 2021.01.31 EN
Compassion Tuesday 02 2021.02.01 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for IIT Youth India - The amazing power of chanting the Holy Names 2021.02.03 Gaura Bhavan EN
Memorial for Bhakta Zlaja 2021.02.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
School of Bhakti - Bhakti Vriksha - Srila Prabhupadas essential teachings on Bhakti Vriksha preaching 2021.02.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
Ekadasi Sravan Kirtan Ustav - Chanting with absorption 2021.02.07 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Italian devotees - How to chant with absorption 2021.02.07 Gaura Bhavan IT
SB5.18.9 Above the Clouds 3 2021.02.07 EN
Compassion Tuesday 03 2021.02.09 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation - Lord Caitanya in South India 2021.02.12 Vedic Academy EN
Meeting with Kirtan London team 2021.02.13 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.1.35 Above the Clouds 04 - The Holy Name immediately destroys Bondage 2021.02.14 EN
Compassion Tuesday 4 2021.02.16 Gaura Bhavan EN
Installation Ceremony of Lord Jagannath in Ufa 2021.02.16 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 5.18.8 - Above the Clouds 5 - Effective Prayers - Let the real Me speak 2021.02.21 EN
Compassion Tuesday 5 2021.02.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
Nityananda Trayodasi Evening - Amazing Nitai 2021.02.25 Goloka Dhama EN
Nityananda Trayodasi Morning - The Inconceivable glories of Lord Nityananda 2021.02.25 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 3.7.19 Vyasa Puja Address - Morning Lecture 2021.02.26 Goloka Dhama EN
Vyasa Puja - Evening Lecture 2021.02.26 Goloka Dhama EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.02.28 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 5.12.12 - Above the Clouds 6 - Only by the Devotees mercy one can realize the Lord 2021.02.28 EN
Goloka Dhama Community Program 2021.03.01 Goloka Dhama EN
Compassion Tuesday 6 2021.03.02 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaurangera Duti Pada 1 - Who is Lord Caitanya 2021.03.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
Pandava Sena Mentors Training - How to reset 2021.03.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.5.1 - Above the Clouds 7 - Penances and Austerities Purify the Heart 2021.03.07 EN
Sunday Love Feast Ljubjlana Online - The Hidden Avatara 2021.03.07 Gaura Bhavan EN
Compassion Tuesday 7 2021.03.09 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation 2021.03.12 Vedic Academy EN
Gaurangera Duti Pada 2 - Lord Chaitanyas Pastimes 2021.03.13 Gaura Bhavan EN
Compassion Tuesday 8 2021.03.14 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB5.1.11Above the Clouds 8 - Joyfully Following the Lords Order 2021.03.14 EN
The Holy Name as a person 2021.03.14 Gaura Bhavan EN
The Holy Name - How to connect with the Divine 2021.03.14 Gaura Bhavan IT
URI World Peace Presentation - First Purpose of ISKCON 2021.03.15 Gaura Bhavan EN
GBC SPT Interview - Approaching Radha Krishna through Gaura Nitai 2021.03.19 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaurangera Duti Pada 3 - More pastimes on Lord Caitanya 2021.03.20 Gaura Bhavan EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.03.21 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.11.8 Above the Clouds 9 - Dark Mind Bright Mind 2021.03.21 EN
Compassion Tuesday 9 2021.03.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaurangera Duti Pada 4 - Lord Caitanyas teachings in song 2021.03.27 Gaura Bhavan EN
Cc. Ad 3.52 Gaura Purnima Morning Class - Bhaktivedanta Manor 2021.03.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Purnima - The inner heart of Lord Gauranga 2021.03.28 Vedic Academy EN
Online Gaura Purnima Festival at Goloka Dhama 1 - Gauranga katha and kirtan 2021.03.28 Vedic Academy EN
Online Gaura Purnima Festival at Goloka Dhama 2 - Gauranga katha and kirtan 2021.03.28 Vedic Academy EN
Online Gaura Purnima Festival for Berlin devotees 2021.03.28 Vedic Academy DE
SB 5.3.6 Above the Clouds 10 - Words on Fire 2021.03.28 EN
Compassion Tuesday 10 2021.03.30 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.18.12 Above the Clouds 11 - Bhakti changes and empowers 2021.04.04 EN
Compassion Tuesday 11 2021.04.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
Upbuild - On the brink of death 1 2021.04.07 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation 2021.04.09 Vedic Academy EN
SB 5.8.29 Above the Clouds 12 - Lightning Regrets 2021.04.11 EN
Arise The Honest Mans Podcast - The dynamics of Prayer 2021.04.13 Gaura Bhavan EN
Compassion Tuesday - Active Listening 2021.04.13 Gaura Bhavan EN
Upbuild - On the brink of dead2 - Gassing 2021.04.14 Gaura Bhavan EN
Russia School of Bhakti - Sadhu Sanga 2021.04.18 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 5.14.45 Above the Clouds 13 - A Deer Who Chants 2021.04.18 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Self compassion 1 2021.04.20 Gaura Bhavan EN
Upbuild - On the brink of dead 3 - Drowning 2021.04.21 Gaura Bhavan EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.04.24 Vedic Academy EN
Pandava Sena Alumni - Life outside Lockdown 2021.04.24 Gaura Bhavan EN
Krishna Roots Children lecture - The Glories of Lord Rama 2021.04.25 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 9.11.19 Above the Clouds 14 - Preparing for Darsana 2021.04.25 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Self compassion 2 2021.04.27 Gaura Bhavan EN
Upbuild - On the brink of death 4 2021.04.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.19.7 Above the Clouds 15 - Become a Friend of God 2021.05.02 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Empathy Experiment 2021.05.04 Gaura Bhavan EN
Upbuild - On the brink of death 5 2021.05.05 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Lithuanian yatra - Smaranam is the top goal in a devotees life 2021.05.08 Gaura Bhavan LT
SB 5.10.11 Above the Clouds 16 - Victory over Death 2021.05.09 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Put yourself together and the world will follow 2021.05.11 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation - Lord Caitanya saves his servant and relishes Brahma Samhita 2021.05.14 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 5.6.18 Above the Clouds 17 - Krishnas Two Treasure Houses 2021.05.16 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Circle of kindness 2021.05.18 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Titans Group 1 - Meditation 2021.05.19 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Italian devotees - The Holy Name - How to go deeper and deeper 2021.05.20 Gaura Bhavan IT
Lecture for ISKCON Noida College - Day One or One Day 2021.05.22 Gaura Bhavan EN
Bhagavatam Life Course - Hari Katha and Hari Kirtan 2021.05.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 7.9.19 Above the Clouds 18 - Krishnas Hurry 2021.05.23 EN
Nrsimha Caturdasi Online Festival - Nrsimha Katha 2021.05.24 Gaura Bhavan EN
Compassion Tuesday - Bhakti Compassion 2021.05.25 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Goloka Dhama Community - Nrsimha Caturdasi 2021.05.25 Gaura Bhavan EN
Nrsimha Caturdasi Morning Lecture - Developing Vaisnava Compassion 2021.05.25 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Titans Group 2 - Kirtan 2021.05.26 Gaura Bhavan EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.05.29 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 7.9.16 Above the Clouds 19 - Benefit and Limitation of Fear 2021.05.30 EN
SB 7.9.9 Above the Clouds 20 - What Bhakti is all about 2021.06.06 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Building Compassion 1 2021.06.08 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation - Lord Caitanyas visit to Udupi 2021.06.11 Vedic Academy EN
SB 7.9.11 Above the Clouds 21 - The Face in the Mirror 2021.06.13 EN
Lecture for Italian Yatra - Chanting in connection with the Divine 2021.06.14 Gaura Bhavan IT
Compassion Tuesday - Building Compassion 2 2021.06.15 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 7.9.17 Above the Clouds 22 - A Book that Talks 2021.06.20 EN
Compassion Tuesday - Building Compassion 3 2021.06.22 Gaura Bhavan EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.06.26 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 7.9.18 Above the Clouds 23 - The Life Force of the Devotee 2021.06.27 EN
SB 7.9.24 Above the Clouds 24 - The Most Confidential Knowledge 2021.07.04 EN
Lecture for Italian Yatra - Chanting in the mood of seva 2021.07.06 Gaura Bhavan IT
Goloka Dhama Community Lecture - Vaisnava Relationships that work 2021.07.08 Gaura Bhavan EN
Cc. Adi 7.94 New Mayapur Mellows - Kirtan is the essence of Srimad Bhagavatam 2021.07.10 New Mayapur EN
SB 12.3.51 Above the Clouds 25 - The Foremost Spiritual Practice 2021.07.11 EN
New Mayapur Community Program - The four heart chambers of a relationship 2021.07.13 New Mayapur EN
SB10.14.8 Expecting Krishnas mercy 2021.07.14 Radhadesh EN
Evening katha - Krishnas return to Vrindavan 1 2021.07.15 Radhadesh EN
SB 1.19.16 Pariksit Maharajas Three Requests 2021.07.15 Radhadesh EN
Evening katha - Krishnas return to Vrindavan 2 2021.07.16 Radhadesh EN
Bhakti Retreat - Rupa Goswami - The Acarya of Nama Rasa 2021.07.18 Kiental EN
New Jersey Online Jagannath Sravan Festival - Lord Jagannaths amazing reciprocation 2021.07.18 Kiental EN
SB 3.9.11 Above the Clouds 26 - Jaya Jagannatha 2021.07.18 EN
Bhakti Retreat - Namastaka 1 - The Holy Name is a person 2021.07.19 Kiental EN
Bhakti Retreat - Namastaka 2 - Krishnas syllable form gives supreme pleasure 2021.07.20 Kiental EN
DM - Seeing the essence of the guru disciple relationship 2021.07.20 Kiental EN
Bhakti Retreat - Namastaka 3 - The Holy Name guides us in bhakti 2021.07.22 Kiental EN
Bhakti Retreat - Krishnas return to Vrindavan 2021.07.23 Kiental EN
SB 10.14.8 The guideline for all devotees 2021.07.23 Kiental EN
Die drei Bitten Pariksits 2021.07.24 Langenthal DE
SB 10.14.8 Above the Clouds 27 - The Bhakti Key 2021.07.25 EN
SB 10.80.3 Krishnas experience in Gurukula 2021.07.25 Zuerich EN
The essence of chanting 2021.07.31 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 10.90.48 Above the Clouds 28 - The Jeweled Bhakti Garland 2021.08.01 EN
Online Lithuanian Vaisnava Baltic Festival - The Heart of the Holy Name 2021.08.07 Gaura Bhavan LT
SB 10.14.8 Online Lithuanian Vaisnava Baltic Festival - Expecting the Lords mercy 2021.08.08 Gaura Bhavan LT
SB 1.2.6 Above the Clouds 29 - The Best Occupation 2021.08.08 EN
ISKCON Chowpatty Krishna Fest Online - Sri Krishna Janmastami 2021.08.10 Gaura Bhavan EN
Global Sankirtan Call 2021.08.15 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 2.3.10 Above the Clouds 30 - The Bhakti Transformation 2021.08.15 EN
Lecture for Berlin Rathayatra - The Universal Nature of Lord Jagannatha 2021.08.18 Gaura Bhavan EN
The Monks Podcast with Chaitanya Charan - Chanting and self care in a seekers life 2021.08.18 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation - Rathayatra in Puri 2021.08.20 Vedic Academy EN
Balarama Jayanti 2021.08.22 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 11.2.40 Above the Clouds 31 - Dance more 2021.08.22 EN
Tune In for Sri Krishna Janmastami Festival 2021.08.28 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 10.14.8 Expecting the Lords mercy 2021.08.29 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 1.11.2 Above the Clouds 32 - The Touch of Krishna 2021.08.29 EN
Krishna Katha - Bewildered Krishna 2021.08.30 Goloka Dhama EN
Disciple and community meeting 2021.09.01 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 9.10.20 Attaining superior transcendental strength 1 2021.09.01 Goloka Dhama EN
Cc .Adi 8.62 Attaining superior transcendental strength 2 2021.09.02 Goloka Dhama EN
Goloka Dhama Community Istagoshti and questions and answers 2021.09.02 Goloka Dhama EN
SB 10.45.5 The yoga of thank you 1 2021.09.04 Radhadesh EN
Sunday Bhakti Sanga - Spiritual Awakening 2021.09.04 Radhadesh EN
SB 3.25.35 Above the Clouds 33 - Talking with Krishna 2021.09.05 EN
SB 3.4.35 The yoga of thank you 2 2021.09.06 Radhadesh EN
SB 3.31.29 Transforming lust into love 2021.09.08 Radhadesh EN
Lecture for Russian devotees - Chanting with a deep experience 2021.09.11 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 10.30.28 Above the Clouds 34 - Radhas Motto 2021.09.12 EN
Radhastami 2021.09.14 Vedic Academy EN
SB 3.25.37 Above the Clouds 35 - Bhakti is inherent 2021.09.19 EN
The late morning podcast with Nama Rasa - Spiritual Transformation 2021.09.19 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Iranian yatra 1 - The Heart of the Holy Name 2021.09.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
World Holy Name Festival - Japa workshop 2021.09.23 Gaura Bhavan EN
Lecture for Iranian yatra 2 - The Heart of the Holy Name 2021.09.24 Gaura Bhavan EN
Heart of the Holy Name 2021.09.25 Vedic Academy EN
Kirtan Academy Online - How to chant with absorption 2021.09.25 Gaura Bhavan EN
SB 3.25.41 Above the Clouds 36 - The safest Road 2021.09.26 EN
ISKCON Chowpatty Brahmachari Japa Retreat - The Heart of the Holy Name 2021.09.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Gaura Meditation - Lord Caitanya and Tukarama 2021.10.01 Vedic Academy EN
Entering the Sacred Space 2021.10.02 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 4.20.27 Above the Clouds 37 - Who is attracted 2021.10.03 EN
SB 9.16.24 Online class for Bhakti Center New York - The Art of Compassion 2021.10.06 Gaura Bhavan EN
The sacred month of Kartik 2021.10.09 Gaura Bhavan RU
SB 4.24.28 Above the Clouds 38 - Krishna sends Help 2021.10.10 EN
SB 7.5.5 Above the Clouds 39 - Run to Vrndavan 2021.10.17 EN
Kartik Inspirations 01 - The Kartik Excitement 2021.10.20 EN
SB 10.31.1 Gopi Gita 01 - The Secret Message of Love 2021.10.20 EN
Kartik Inspirations 02 - A Prayer Guide 2021.10.21 EN
SB 10.31.2 Gopi Gita 02 - The Secret Message of Love 2021.10.21 EN
Kartik Inspirations 03 - An Earnest Request 2021.10.22 EN
SB 10.31.3 Gopi Gita 03 - The Secret Message of Love 2021.10.22 EN
Kartik Inspirations 04 - Not Fit To Be Neglected 2021.10.23 EN
SB 10.31.4 Gopi Gita 04 - The Secret Message of Love 2021.10.23 EN
Kartik Inspirations 05 - Radhas Sweetness 2021.10.24 EN
SB 10.31.5 Gopi Gita 05 - The Secret Message of Love 2021.10.24 EN
Kartik Inspirations 06 - Radhas Ever Fresh Youthfulness 2021.10.25 EN
Kartik Inspirations 07 - Radhas Restless Eyes 2021.10.26 EN
Kartik Inspirations 08 - Radhas Bright Smile 2021.10.27 EN
Kartik Inspirations 09 - Radhas Auspicious Lines 2021.10.28 EN
Kartik Inspirations 10 - Radhas Intoxicating Fragrance 2021.10.29 EN
The glories of the month of Urjesvari 2021.10.29 Govardhana EN
Kartik Inspirations 11 - Radhas Expert Singing 2021.10.30 EN
Kartik Inspirations 12 - Radhas Charming Speech 2021.10.31 EN
Kartik Inspirations 13 - Radhas Extraordinary Love 2021.11.01 EN
Kartik Inspirations 14 - Radhas Humility 2021.11.02 EN
Kartik Inspirations 15 - Radhas Compassion 2021.11.03 EN
Kartik Inspirations 16 - Radhas Artistic Nature 2021.11.04 EN
Govardhana Puja Katha 2021.11.05 Vrindavana HI
Kartik Inspirations 17 - Shelter and Pride 2021.11.05 EN
Kartik Inspirations 18 - Radhas Maha Bhava 2021.11.06 EN
Kartik Inspirations 19 - Everyone Loves Radha 2021.11.07 EN
Kartik Inspirations 20 - Remembering Srila Prabhupada 2021.11.08 EN
Srila Prabhupada Disappearance day offering 2021.11.08 Vrindavana EN
Kartik Inspirations 21 - Radhas Dazzling Fame 2021.11.09 EN
Lecture for ISKCON Surat devotees 2021.11.09 Govardhana EN
Kartik Inspirations 22 - The Elders Affection for Radha 2021.11.10 EN
Kartik Inspirations 23 - Radha Is The Chief Gopi 2021.11.11 EN
Kartik Inspirations 24 - Radha Brings Krishna Under Her Control 2021.11.12 EN
Kartik Inspirations 25 - Radha Melts Hearts 2021.11.13 EN
Kartik Inspirations 26 - Reality Check 2021.11.14 EN
Kartik Inspirations 27 - Radhas Taste For Krishna 2021.11.15 EN
Kartik Inspirations 28 - Radhas Sidelong Glances 2021.11.16 EN
Kartik Inspirations 29 - Radhas Moonlike Mind 2021.11.17 EN
Kartik Inspirations 30 - The Divine Touch 2021.11.18 EN
Kartik Inspirations 31 - Prayer For Radhas Mercy 2021.11.19 EN
SB 10.13.42 The Essence of the Teachings of the Bhagavatam 2021.11.20 EN
BG 4.35 The syptoms of perfection in Krsna consciousness 2021.11.22 Delhi EN
Help Devotees to become enthusiastic 2021.11.22 Faridabad HI
BG 4.35 Serve enthusiastically Krishna 2021.11.23 Delhi HI
SB 5.26.3-6 Two types of strenght 2021.11.23 Delhi EN
SB 10.16.49 Living in the dream of Krishna 2021.11.24 Delhi HI
Neuruppin Six Hour Kirtan - Vrndavana Inspiration 2021.11.27 Gaura Bhavan DE
School of Bhakti - The Bhagavada Gitas secret message of love 2021.12.11 Bhaktivedanta Manor EN
School of Bhakti - The secret of service 2021.12.11 Bhaktivedanta Manor EN
Cc. M 7.130 Stop living in the Shadows of Krishna Consciousness 2021.12.12 Bhaktivedanta Manor EN
Pandava Sena KCSOC - The joy of sharing Krishna Consciousness 2021.12.13 Soho EN
Gita Jayanti 2021.12.14 Soho EN
SB 3.9.11 Above the Clouds 40 - Enter the Sacred Space 2021.12.14 EN
Kirtan London - The Kirtan Experience 2021.12.15 London EN
Pandava Sena Mentorship Retreat - Setting the mood 2021.12.16 The Vedanta EN
Pandava Sena Mentorship Retreat - The magic of good sadhana 1 2021.12.17 The Vedanta EN
Pandava Sena Mentorship Retreat - The magic of good sadhana 2 2021.12.18 The Vedanta EN
Pandava Sena Mentorship Retreat - The magic of good sadhana 3 2021.12.19 The Vedanta EN
SB 2.3.24 Above the Clouds 41 - The New You 2021.12.19 EN
Pandava Sena Mentorship Retreat - The magic of good sadhana 4 2021.12.20 The Vedanta EN
Above the Clouds 42 - Two Sides of a Saint 2021.12.26 EN
VIHE - Vrindavana Talks with Bhurijana Prabhu 2021.12.27 Gaura Bhavan EN
Sanga Mela - Developing Divine Aspirations 1 2021.12.28 Gaura Bhavan EN
Sanga Mela - Developing Divine Aspirations 2 2021.12.29 Gaura Bhavan EN
Sanga Mela - Developing Divine Aspirations 3 2021.12.30 Gaura Bhavan EN
Sanga Mela - Developing Divine Aspirations 4 2021.12.31 Gaura Bhavan EN