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Descriptions of lectures by Srila Sacinandana Swami

Sunday feast - Make Krsna consciousness stronger 2008.01.20 Zagreb HR

BG 6.26 2008.01.23 Zagreb HR

Sunday feast - Pencil story 2008.01.27 Zagreb HR

Gauranga kirtan 1 2008.02.01 Prabhupadadesh IT

Gauranga kirtan 2 2008.02.02 Prabhupadadesh IT

Gauranga kirtan 3 2008.02.03 Prabhupadadesh IT

Sunday feast - The river of love 2008.02.03 Prabhupadadesh IT

How Haridasa Thakur overcame obstacles 2008.02.04 Italy IT

SB 1.8.37 How to find our dharma 2008.02.04 Prabhupadadesh IT

SB 3.9.11 Relevation through the ears 2008.02.05 Italy IT

SB 1.8.42 The river of love 2008.02.06 Italy IT

Find your dharma 2008.02.07 Split HR

The vedic way 2008.02.08 Split HR

Siksa ceremony 2008.02.09 Split HR

Sunday feast - The river of love 2008.02.10 Split HR

BG 7.14 Overcoming the material nature 2008.02.18 Zagreb EN

Initiation - Willing collaboration 2008.02.19 Zagreb EN

Nityanandas appearance 2008.02.19 Zagreb EN

Preaching projects 2008.02.19 Zagreb EN

Vyasapuja lecture - Awake gratitude 2008.02.20 Zagreb EN

BG 11.36 The way to accept Krsnas arrangements 2008.02.21 Zagreb EN

Krsna is interested in a relationship 2008.03.05 Russia RU

Accepting distress and Gaurapurnima intro 2008.03.20 Ufa RU

Gaurapurnima 1 2008.03.20 Ufa RU

Gaurapurnima 2 2008.03.21 Ufa RU

Japa retreat - The life of the name 2008.04.24 New York EN

Krsna lila stava 2008.04.30 New York EN

The kirtan of Lord Gauranga 1 2008.05.15 NJNK EN

The kirtan of Lord Gauranga 2 2008.05.16 NJNK EN

The kirtan of Lord Gauranga 3 2008.05.17 NJNK EN

Narasimhadeva Katha 2008.05.18 NJNK EN

SB 7.8.29 Narasimhadevas appearence day 2008.05.18 NJNK EN

Sonntagsfest 2008.05.25 Goloka Dhama DE

Japa retreat - Entering the retreat 2008.05.31 Milna EN

Japa retreat - At the coast - Where is your mind 2008.06.01 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Morning lecture - Getting the spiritual desire 2008.06.01 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Prononciation and Japa-circle 2008.06.01 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Sit properly 2008.06.01 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Morning lecture - Firing the mind 2008.06.02 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Supersoul experience and cathedral of sound 2008.06.02 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Tractaka meditation 2008.06.02 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Chanting from the heart 2008.06.03 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Chanting in front of Krsna 2008.06.03 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Who is the Name for you and chanting with meaning 2008.06.03 Milna EN

Japa retreat - 64 rounds day - The real meaning of mauna 2008.06.04 Milna EN

Japa retreat - The story of Krsna dasa 2008.06.04 Milna EN

Japa retreat - 6 powerful tips for good chanting 2008.06.06 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Chanting with quality 2008.06.06 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Pranayama and question and answer 2008.06.06 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Death will come and conclusion of the retreat 2008.06.07 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Harvesting the fruits of the retreat 2008.06.07 Milna EN

Japa retreat - Meditation on Sri Namastakam 2008.06.07 Milna EN

Japa retreat - The fortress 2008.06.08 Milna EN

Freiheit von unseren alten Anhaftungen 2008.06.11 Berlin DE

Samstagsfest - Realismus und Idealismus 2008.06.14 Berlin DE

Universitaetsprogramm - Vedische Psychologie 2008.06.17 Berlin DE

Sri Caitanya Abend in Veden Akademie 2008.06.18 Berlin DE

Der Tempel des Klanges 2008.06.19 Malitschkendorf DE

Einleitung zur Transformation 2008.06.19 Malitschkendorf DE

Vorbereitung auf das Ratha Yatra 2008.06.21 Koeln DE

Sundayfeast - The choice of our vision 2008.06.23 Zagreb HR

Public program - Who we are 2008.06.24 Zagreb HR

Bhakti-sanga Lemo 2008.06.25 Zagreb EN

Introduction for Bhakti-sanga Lemo 2008.06.25 Zagreb EN

Public program 2008.06.25 Zagreb EN

Welcome address 2008.06.27 Fruska gora EN

Caitanya Lila Katha 2008.06.28 Fruska gora EN

Aligning our spiritual live or the principle of the path 1 2008.06.29 Fruska gora SR

Aligning our spiritual live or the principle of the path 2 2008.06.30 Fruska gora SR

Aligning our spiritual live or the principle of the path 3 2008.06.30 Fruska gora SR

Aligning our spiritual live or the principle of the path 4 2008.06.30 Fruska gora SR

Aligning our spiritual live or the principle of the path 5 2008.07.01 Fruska gora SR

Bhaktivinoda Thakuras disappearance day 2008.07.03 Fruska Gora SR

Gauranga lila 2008.07.04 Fruska gora EN

The science of sound 2008.07.04 Fruska gora SR

Camp conclusion 2008.07.05 Fruska Gora SR

CC M 22.96 2008.07.05 Fruska Gora SR

Jaganatha Katha 2008.07.05 Fruska Gora SR

Taking the camp home 2008.07.05 Fruska Gora SR

The cathedral of sound 2008.07.05 Fruska Gora SR

Narada Muni lila 2008.07.09 Beograd SR

BG 18.73 The most powerful key to develop Krsna consciousness 2008.07.10 Zagreb EN

Bhakti-sanga Bhakta Lemo - workshop 2008.07.11 Zagreb EN

Prayer Seminar 1 2008.07.13 Croation Summer Camp HR

Prayer Seminar 2 2008.07.14 Croation Summer Camp HR

Gauranga lila 2008.07.15 Croation Summer Camp HR

Prayer Seminar 3 2008.07.15 Croation Summer Camp HR

Prayer Seminar 4 2008.07.17 Croation Summer Camp HR

Sunday-feast - On pilgrimage in Vrindavana 2008.07.20 Zagreb EN

Bhakti-sanga Sasha 2008.07.22 Zagreb EN

Joyful Krsna 2008.07.24 Zagreb EN

Murli dharas Hauseinweihung 2008.07.25 Zuerich DE

Sri Caitanya Chandamrita 1 2008.07.26 Swiss Summer Camp DE

Sri Caitanya Chandamrita 2 2008.07.27 Swiss Summer Camp DE

Lila Katha 2008.07.28 Swiss Summer Camp DE

Sri Caitanya Chandamrita 3 2008.07.28 Swiss Summer Camp DE

Magical basket 2008.07.29 Swiss Summer Camp EN

Sri Caitanya Chandamrita 4 2008.07.29 Swiss Summer Camp DE

SB 10.88.8 2008.08.03 Zuerich DE

Sonntagsfest 2008.08.03 Zuerich DE

Sunday-feast 2008.08.03 Zuerich TA

Die Kunst des Hoerens 2008.08.05 St. Gallen DE

Udhava Bhakti-sanga - Realismus und Idealismus 2008.08.05 Zuerich DE

Wanderung 2008.08.05 St. Gallen DE

Sanga 2008.08.07 Bern DE

The journey to Jagannatha puri 2008.08.10 Berlin EN

Bootsfahrt - Spirituelle Inspiration 2008.08.14 Berlin DE

Pray to the Holy Name 2008.08.17 Berlin EN

BG 5.17 Abschiedsabend 2008.08.19 Berlin DE

BG 15.6 Abendvorlesung 2008.08.22 Goloka Dhama DE

Einstimmung auf Janmastami 2008.08.23 Goloka Dhama DE

Feuer yajna 2008.08.23 Goloka Dhama DE

Lila katha 2008.08.24 Goloka Dhama DE

Perl lila 2008.08.24 Goloka Dhama EN

SB 1.8.35 Janmastami lecture - incomplete 2008.08.24 Goloka Dhama EN

Wuerfelspiel lila 2008.08.24 Goloka Dhama DE

Srila Prabhupadas Vyasapuja lecture 2008.08.25 Goloka Dhama EN

SB 1.13.27 2008.08.27 Goloka Dhama DE

BG 4.11 2008.08.30 Goloka Dhama DE

Krsna Katha 2008.08.30 DE

The art of transformation 1 2008.09.03 New York EN

Ganesh Puja 2008.09.04 New York EN

The proper mood for chanting 2008.09.04 New York EN

The art of transformation 2 2008.09.06 New York EN

Radhastami katha 2008.09.07 New York EN

Bramacari lecture 2008.09.09 New York EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 1 2008.09.10 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 2 2008.09.11 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 3 2008.09.11 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 4 2008.09.11 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 5 2008.09.11 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 6 2008.09.12 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 7 2008.09.12 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 8 2008.09.14 McCaysville EN

Japa-retreat - level 1 - 9 2008.09.14 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Entering the retreat 2008.09.16 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Sadhana and sadya 2008.09.16 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - The cathedral of sound 2008.09.16 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Caitanya-lila katha 2008.09.17 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Inspiration for the 64 rounds day 2008.09.18 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Caitanya-lila katha part 2 2008.09.19 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Death meditation 2008.09.19 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Krsna meditation 2008.09.19 McCaysville EN

Japa retreat level 2 - Meditation on the meaning of the mantra 2008.09.19 McCaysville EN

SB 1.9.30 2008.09.23 Black Sea Festival RU

Morning- ecture on the Holy Name 2008.09.25 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 1 2008.09.25 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 2 2008.09.26 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 3 2008.09.27 Black Sea Festival RU

Initiation inspiration 2008.09.28 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 4 2008.09.28 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 5 2008.09.29 Black Sea Festival RU

Festival conclusion 2008.09.30 Black Sea Festival RU

Seminar part 6 2008.09.30 Black Sea Festival RU

Vraja mandala parikrama - Varsana 2008.10.00 Varsana EN

Japa retreat 1 2008.10.04 Moscow RU

Japa retreat 2 2008.10.04 Moscow RU

Japa retreat 3 2008.10.04 Moscow RU

Japa retreat 4 2008.10.04 Moscow RU

Japa retreat introduction 2008.10.04 Moscow RU

Chanting with an open heart 2008.10.05 Moscow RU

BG 2.32 How to receive Krsnas affection 2008.10.07 Delhi EN

Program at Govinda-kunda 1 2008.10.12 Vrndavana EN

Program at Govinda-kunda 2 2008.10.12 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.14 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.15 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.16 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.17 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.18 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.19 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.20 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.21 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.24 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.25 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.27 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.28 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.29 Vrndavana EN

Vraja mandala parikrama - Govardhan puja 2008.10.29 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.30 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.10.31 Vrndavana EN

Govardhana retreat 03 - Krishna lila stava 1 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 04 - Krishna lila stava 2 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 05 - Krishna lila stava 3 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 06 - Krishna lila stava 4 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 07 - Krishna lila stava 5 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 08 - Krishna lila stava 6 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 09 - Krishna lila stava 7 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 10 - Krishna lila stava 8 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 01 - Opening ceremony 1 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 02 - Opening ceremony 2 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

Govardhana retreat 11 - Concluding words 2008.11.00 Govardhana retreat EN

SB 7.9.43 Essencial teachings 2008.11.00 Mumbai EN

Sunday feast - Share it with others 2008.11.00 Mumbai EN

The begger of love 2008.11.00 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.01 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.02 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.03 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.04 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.06 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.07 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.08 Vrndavana EN

Kartic inspiration 2008.11.10 Vrndavana EN

Absorbtion in Krsna consciousness 2008.11.11 Vrndavana EN

SB 7.9.44 The heart chambers 2008.11.18 Mumbai EN

The two essencial needs Part 1 2008.11.21 Delhi EN

The lessons of the pencil Part 2 2008.11.22 Delhi EN

Sanskrit school - The way of understanding 2008.11.25 India EN

Initiation lecture 2008.12.02 Vrndavana EN

Vrndavana nectar - Evening home program 2008.12.04 Vrndavana EN

BG 10.16 Entering Vrndavana 2008.12.05 Vrndavana EN

Reaching hopefulness 2008.12.07 Vrndavana EN

The key of success 2008.12.09 Delhi EN

Bhakti sanga - Bhakta Lemo 2008.12.12 Zagreb EN

Report from Vrndavana 2008.12.13 Zagreb EN

SB 6.19.5 A powerful tool 2008.12.14 Zagreb EN

Sunday feast 2008.12.14 Zagreb HR

Good bye lecture 2008.12.22 Zagreb EN

Der Kirtan Lord Gaurangas 1 2008.12.27 Goloka Dhama DE

Der Kirtan Lord Gaurangas 2 2008.12.28 Goloka Dhama DE

Sonntagsfest 2008.12.28 Goloka Dhama DE

Der Kirtan Lord Gaurangas 3 2008.12.29 Goloka Dhama DE

Der Kirtan Lord Gaurangas 4 2008.12.30 Goloka Dhama DE